Wholesale Buy Page
Become a wholesale customer of stella lighting
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Welcome to the Stella Lighting Wholesale Portal.
It is our goal that you find this store easy to use, efficient in ordering Stella products, and quick access to marketing material to increase your sales! deserves the highest rating due to many things. It has one of the broadest selections of OTC and prescription medicines at fair prices. Besides, it offers significant discounts to its customers, allowing us to save quite a bit of money. The service is a definite top. Besides, it offers remote consultations with a medical specialist. Â If you have a specific request, reach out to us through the CONTACT US tab. Â We will make every effort to get back to you as quickly as possible.
In this dashboard you will find important notices and announcements, sales & marketing material to supplement your shop marketing, Stella administrative policies and a direct communication line exclusively for our wholesale customers.
Again, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns and we look forward to assisting you.
Welcome to the Stella family,
Nathan Wiedenmann
Stella Lighting Inc
Sales & Marketing
Master Pricing Sheet
Product Catalog
Product Images
Wholesale Administrative Documentation
Below are additional documents relevant to your wholesale agreement with Stella Lighting. All files are in PDF format.
Terms & Conditions
Warranty Information
MAP Policy
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information or clarification.
Contact Us